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The Origin of Mass Extinction

How Mother Earth can be destroyed — an energy perspective on why mass extinction occurs.

Is our path towards ecological extinction set in stone?

Post-script of “What Really Are We? The Story of the Fast-opportunist and Slow-Stratgist”

Thanks for reaching the very end of this trilogy! 😉 I want to briefly mention that, having r-strategists in an ecosystem is natural and not inherently “evil”, no matter how badly you might think of them after reading my article. They only become a problem when they are “quantitatively” out of balance. In fact, fast …

Post-script of “What Really Are We? The Story of the Fast-opportunist and Slow-Stratgist” Read More »

read slow

Why you should read slow and write slower – A guide to Marmotian

We are all conditioned more or less by the modern world to think fast and act faster. The most cost-effective way to ace a closed-book exam is to cram all information into your short-term memory just a few days prior. The most time-efficient way to entertain yourself is to scroll through social media and see whatever catches your eyes in the split second. Who would want to spend weeks reading an old, chunky book, who would want to read that long article except for its title?