A place where diverse ideas meet, being confronted with evidence and imagined in a different light. Be prepared to get into a deep spiral of thoughts. For the imaginative mind.

Worth questioning
Is it really better to be faster and more efficient in everything?

Worth re-wiring
Slowing down our pace of life can help us reconnect with the natural pace of Mother Earth - a pre-requisite to true sustainability
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The notion that we ought to aim for a good relationship and maintain a good state of Mother Nature might of course trigger unease in some. The point is not to propose we need to give up everything for a better Mother Nature (as with the logic in hardcore consequentialism, as well as the “us vs. them” paradigm)...
The view that “bad” culture/beliefs underlie environmental problems is not new in environmental stuides. But how exactly is it effected? What is our Achilles' heel that is holding us back? Anthropocentric morality may be so.