
Slowly Wriggling Your Way to Success — The Story of June Huh

This might explain why you are stuck in the “shallow” realm of the map of meaning. Disclaimer: Please read the brilliant interviews from Quanta Magazine and Simons Foundation to support their original works, I do not own any of the original information about June Huh’s life presented here, I only analyzed it and added my …

Slowly Wriggling Your Way to Success — The Story of June Huh Read More »

Reflection on the Fate of Family

What does growing up in a family teach you? With time, I started to realize that certain fates in life are inevitable. To be in kinship by birth in this life — parents and children, brothers and sisters, implies that with every step taken, we are fated to drift apart farther and farther. We started off close but …

Reflection on the Fate of Family Read More »

Why Do Leaves Fall?

Trees lose weight not to look good on mirrors, they lose weight to nurture and inspire generations after. ꧂ Did you know? Eden was once evergreenSprinkled with umber senescence.Then eons elapsed, habits re-drafted,Sounding a slow but endearing trumpet… While leaves became flat,A tree choir has progressed - step by stepChanting red and yellow…over vertePerfecting as a choreographed triplet. …

Why Do Leaves Fall? Read More »

The Four Fundamental Forces of Humanity

Whenever we are dealing with potent force, we need to handle it with great care and control. You have probably heard of the four fundamental forces of nature: electromagnetic force, gravity, and strong and weak nuclear forces, which together govern the interaction of matter and energy and hence the organization of the Universe. Here is …

The Four Fundamental Forces of Humanity Read More »

Ever wondered why humanity seems "destined" to crumble?: De-Mystifying Natural Selection — Evolving Beyond Individual Success

Ever wondered why humanity seems “destined” to crumble? “Evolution runs by selecting only some but not all information to pass on through the line of descent.” Here is a wide misconception that is perpetuated by textbooks — such information selection (aka. natural selection) only happens on the level of “individuals” i.e., the package of traits of me and …

Ever wondered why humanity seems “destined” to crumble?: De-Mystifying Natural Selection — Evolving Beyond Individual Success Read More »

Post-script: Natural Selection Does Not Only Act on “Individuals”

One common criticism against (multi) group-level selection (in favor of kin selection­ under inclusive fitness framework, which fits the individual selection, plus selfish “genes” narratives better) in explaining the evolution of altruism or other group-oriented traits is that a “group” is ill-defined, organisms seem to come and go and interact ephemerally. However, the concept of …

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The Origin of Mass Extinction

How Mother Earth can be destroyed — an energy perspective on why mass extinction occurs.

Is our path towards ecological extinction set in stone?

Post-script of “What Really Are We? The Story of the Fast-opportunist and Slow-Stratgist”

Thanks for reaching the very end of this trilogy! 😉 I want to briefly mention that, having r-strategists in an ecosystem is natural and not inherently “evil”, no matter how badly you might think of them after reading my article. They only become a problem when they are “quantitatively” out of balance. In fact, fast …

Post-script of “What Really Are We? The Story of the Fast-opportunist and Slow-Stratgist” Read More »